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mill roll gap calculation

A rapid calculation method for predicting roll deformation …

The method to predict roll deformation precisely and efficiently is vital for the strip shape control of a six-high rolling mill. Traditional calculation methods of roll deformation, such as the finite element method and the influence function method, have been widely used due to their accuracies. However, the required calculation time is too long to be applied to …

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Vertical nonlinear vibration analysis of cold rolling mill …

The equal damping coefficients between the rolls and mill stand are two: one is linear coefficient C 1, and the other is cubic coefficient C 3. The damping force is f c = − C 1 U ̇ + C 3 U ̇ 3 [38, 39]. The equal stiffness coefficient between the rolls and mill stand is K. The forward and reverse structural gaps in the vertical direction ...

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Hot Rolling Mill Hydraulic Gap Control (HGC) thickness …

P. Kucsera et al. Hot Rolling Mill HGC Thickness Control Improvement – 98 – Another way to determine the thermal expansion of the work roll is the modelling of the heat transfer between the ...

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Roll Pass Design Methods for Three- and Four …

1 INTRODUCTION. The present paper focuses on roll p ass. design methods for r olling mills utili zing the. three -roll process (3RP) and the four-roll. process (4RP). T he three-roll rolling ...

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Deformation Processing

– Find distribution of roll pressure – Calculate roll separation force ("rolling force") and torque – Processing Limits – Calculate rolling power. Prof. Ramesh Singh, Notes by Dr. Singh/ Dr. Colton 13 Flat Rolling Analysis • Consider rolling of …

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Modeling friction coefficient for roll force calculation …

Lagergren J (1997) Friction evaluation in hot strip rolling by direct measurement in the roll gap of a model duo mill. J Mater Process Technol 70(70):207–214. Article Google Scholar Freshwater IJ (1996) Simplified theories of flat rolling-I: the calculation of roll pressure, roll force and roll torque.

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Research on the Flatness Control Performance and …

To achieve both high computational precision and calculation speed, it is necessary to subdivide and mesh each component, with varying degrees of mesh refinement at locations where different parts contact. ... The loaded roll gap crown control domain reflects the flexibility of adjusting the shape of the rolling mill roll gap. Rolling …

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Principles and Applications of Metal Rolling

2.3.3 Formulae for calculation of mean rolling pressure 93 2.4 Rolling Torque and Power 98 2.4.1 Lever arm method 98 2.4.2 Rolling power calculation 101 3. Rolling Practices …

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Introduction to Rolling Process

housings), complete with roll gap adjustment facilities and roll driving arrangement. The entire set up is called a rolling mill stand. One or more number of rolling stands in combination with other necessary and related equipment to obtain finished rolled products from one or similar group of input materials is called a rolling mill or rolling ...

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Understanding Rolling Process in Long Product Rolling Mill

The final dimensional quality of the rolled product is determined by the rolling stands within the finishing mill. The dimensional accuracy in the final product depends on many factors including the initial stock dimensions, roll pass sequence, temperature, microstructure, roll surface quality, roll and stand stiffness and the …

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GENERAL ASPECTS OF ROLL COOLING FOR HOT & COLD ROLLING MILLS BY: HUBERTUS WENIG * ABSTRACT . The paper describes how heat is generated in the roll gap and how roll cooling should, be applied on therolls in the best manner. In many cases roll cooling goes along with lubrication. The characteristics of the various coolants used …

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Optimization of continuous variable crown work …

1 INTRODUCTION. Roll wear reduction is an effective way to save production costs and increase the productivity of the hot strip rolling mill. 1, 2 The continuous variable crown (CVC) roll wear is a …

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Roller mills: Precisely reducing particle size with greater …

Controlling the roll gap (Figure 3) is critical to achieving your required final particle size. This control has two components: the roll gap size and roll alignment. The roller mill operator can control the particle size by widen-ing or narrowing the roll gap. For most roller mills, the roll gap is automatically adjusted through a PLC that's ...

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Influence of roll elastic deformation to gap setting for plate mill

Base on the mechanical model of plate rolling process, the gap variation was transferred to roll elastic deformation. By the influence function method the influence of plate width, work roll ...

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The calculation of rolling force

This is because you need it to set the appropriate roll gap on the mill, accounting for the stretch of the stand. ... We can calculate the resulting pressure on the rolls from the deforming material once we've calculated the flow stress at a given point within the roll bite. However, the friction between the two surfaces also plays a part ...

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Asymmetric hydrodynamic roll gap model and its …

In tandem hot strip rolling mills, different friction between the rolls and the strip material on the upper and lower strip surface can occur due to asymmetric surface temperatures or different conditions of oil lubrication. To capture these effects, this paper presents a hydrodynamic roll gap model with asymmetric friction. Based on similarities …

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The invention discloses a four-roller reversible mill zero position calibrating and roll gap positioning method. The method improves mill zero position calibration process control and realizes automatic mill zero position calibration, and mill zero position calibration process data is acquired, a mill zero position calibration bounce curve is formed, …

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Principles and Applications of Metal Rolling

4.1 Mill Stand Components and Mechanisms 168 4.1.1 Rolling mill rolls 169 4.1.2 Roll neck bearings 186 4.1.3 Roll chocks 197 4.1.4 Mill housings 201 4.1.5 Mechanisms for roll adjustment and roll balance 205 4.1.6 Roll change device 217 4.1.7 Sendzimir cluster mills 220 4.1.8 Guides and repeaters 223 4.1.9 Guide tables and loopers 228

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Algorithm design and application of novel GM-AGC …

the spring equation is used to calculate the loaded roll gap during rolling process, and strip exit thickness results directly from the loaded roll gap. The GM-AGC system ... rolling forces in the condition of the constant roll gap. Therefore, when the mill spring curve is non-linear, it is impossible to obtain accurate strip thickness by spring

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Analysis of Roll Gap Pressure in Sendzimir Mill by FEM

The calculation of force for a roll system has significant effects on cold rolled thin strip gauge adjustment of a 20-high Sendzimir mill. According to the rolling parameters and rolling plans of a ZR-22BS-42 Sendzimir mill in a silicon steel factory, the contact force and the resultant force of each roll in the roll system were calculated both in the static …

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(PDF) Toward More Optimized Practices of Roll Gap …

The hot rolling of thin strip below 2.0 mm on a CSP rolling plant with six to seven mill stands requires a roll gap lubrication and roll gap cooling system to avoid mill vibrations and achieve a ...

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Technology for Reducing Strip Meandering in …

mill rigidity between the work side (WS) and drive side (DS), leveling difference in roll gap, wedging of hot-rolled strip (thickness difference between left and right sides), and camber. Particularly in the case of high-tensile-strength steel, which causes greater roll-separating force, the effect of asymmetry in

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A computational method for pass design of the …

The roll gap shape ratio (contact length over mean section height) must be defined in terms of Eqn. (4). ... As a four-roll rolling mill in a laboratory scale is unavailable, experimental validation of the presented …

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Optimization Strategy of Rolling Mill Hydraulic Roll Gap …

When the spool generates zero displacement x v, the calculation formula of the oil flow ... that in the semi-physical simulation of the rolling mill hydraulic roll gap control system, compared with the Z-N algorithm, the maximum overshoot of the PSO algorithm and the LMPSO algorithm were reduced by 10.18% and 14.26%; compared …

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An improved method for calculating roll deformation of six …

The roll deformation model of the six-high rolling mill is one of the core models of the strip shape control theory. The influence function method (IFM) is a numerical method applied to solve the roll deformation problem. This study aims to address the problems of slow calculation speed and insufficient calculation accuracy of IFM in …

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Measuring Paper Machine Performance

Measuring Paper Machine Performance Dick Reese Dick Reese and Associates, Inc. 5121 Edgerton Dr Norcross, GA 30092 (770) 448-8002 rareese@bellsouth

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Cold Rolling Mill Automation System

The mill rolls a wide variety of products, including 3XXX, 5XXX, and 6XXX aluminum alloys at exit gauges down to 0.0055 inch. ... These models consist of high-speed, full-width, discrete vector calculations of roll gap profile and exit strip tension distributions as functions of predicted separating force, assumed incoming strip profile, total ...

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Explaining the concept of automatic gap and gauge control …

The angular gap calculation algorithm does not involve complex mathematical techniques and can be implemented in industrial rolling mill controllers. Monitoring is automated without human ...

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Maintenance for productivity Rolling models

steel making technology, basic principles of width change, plate mills, hot strip mills, quality assurance, testing and inspection, bar and rod mills. It will be a standard …

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PDF | On Jan 1, 2020, Antonio Adel dos Santos and others published CALCULATION OF ROLLING FORCE IN THE HOT STRIP FINISHING MILL USING AN EMPIRICAL MODEL | Find, read and cite all the research you ...

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