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leaching porphyry copper profile picture

Supergene Oxidized and Enriched Porphyry Copper and …

Where hydraulic conditions permit lateral flow of Cu-charged solutions from porphyry Cu deposits into contiguous drainage channels, exotic oxide Cu deposits form at the base of, or within, coevally accumulating piedmont gravel sequences. Several local and regional controls optimize supergene profile development.

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Soil contamination around porphyry copper mines: an …

Extraction and processing of disseminated metalliferous ores, porphyry copper in particular, results in significant tonnages of waste and can cause severe disturbances and contamination in natural ecosystems. This is particularly important in semi-arid climates where natural soils are often deprived of organic matter and nutrients. …

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(PDF) Heavy Metal Pollution Problems in the Vicinity of Heap Leaching …

Heavy Metal Pollution Problems in the Vicinity of Heap Leaching No. 3 of Sarcheshmeh Porphyry Copper Mine Ali Bani Assadi a), Faramarz Doulati Ardejani b), Gholam Hossein Karami a), Behnaz Dahr Azma a), Atash Dehghan Reza c), Alipour Mahmood c) a) b) Faculty of Geoscience, Shahrood University of Technology; Shahrood, Iran Faculty of …

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Geological and Geochemical Appraisals of Leached Capping …

The larger porphyry copper deposits are located in this segment, like Chuquicamata and El Teniente, attain ore reserves (before mining) up to 50 M.t. metallic Cu. Most porphyry copper deposits in the Andes are related to dacitic-granodioritic porphyry stocks, emplaced in volcanic rocks or in intrusive complexes.

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Leached cappings in porphyry copper systems | SpringerLink

Th e large scale leached cappings involved with porphyry copper systems have long attracted attention both in terms of discovery and general assessment. Within this context it is useful to understand the main characteristics of porphyry copper systems.

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The Role of Bacteria in the Supergene …

Most copper deposits amenable to acid sulfate heap leaching result from supergene processes within porphyry copper systems, although copper heap leaching has been applied to …

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Hypogene enrichment in Miduk porphyry copper ore …

Introduction About 75% of world copper, 50% of molybdenum, and 20% of gold are produced from porphyry copper deposits (Sillitoe, 2010) with an average ore grade of 0.45–1.5% Cu, 0.007–0.04% Mo ...

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Spence Porphyry copper, Geology of the Deposit

Geology of the Spence Porphyry Copper Deposit Miguel Tapia BHP Billiton, Antofagasta, Chile (miguel.e.tapia@bhpbilliton) ... The deposit is completely covered by gravels and shows a characteristic profile from bedrock surface to depth of: 1) Leached Zone, 2) Supergene Copper Oxides, 3) Supergene Enrichment Blanket, 4) Mixed Zone and 5 ...

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Haib Copper

Most of the rock exhibits typical porphyry copper type alteration zones associated with mineralisation. ... other scenarios can be found in the NI 43-101 technical report for the Haib Copper project filed on SEDAR under Koryx Copper's profile and on the web site of ... Agglomeration & Heap Leaching: 43.2: Copper Solvent Extraction: 72.9: Iron ...

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A thesis report submitted to the Faculty and Board of Trustees of the Colorado School of Mines in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of

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enrichment blankets of porphyry copper systems worldwide and are even more similar to compositions seen in leaching experiments of synthetic copper and copper-iron sulfides. Keywords: chalcocite, copper sulfides, supergene enrichment, porphyry copper, electron microprobe analysis, Morenci, Arizona.

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Copper isotopic vectors to supergene enrichment: …

supergene copper enrichment in porphyry environments, with varying degrees of success. Recent studies highlighting potential exploration applications of copper isotopes within porphyry supergene environments prompted detailed copper isotopic analysis of 222 leached cap iron oxides and supergene copper sulfides from the weathering profile of …

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Global constraints on exhumation rates during porphyry …

Using the Central Andes, one of the world's most critical porphyry copper …

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Haib Copper-Molybdenum Mine, Karas

Haib is a large copper-molybdenum porphyry deposit located at the southern end of Namibia and close to the South African border. Producer of. Copper. Location. Karas, Namibia. Mining Method. Open-pit. Estimated Investment. ... The ore will be processed using a bio-assisted heap leach method, which includes a three-stage crushing process …

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Porphyry copper systems, zones of oxidation and …

contained within a porphyry copper system form leached caps and ... Strongly oxidized leach cap in volcanics overlying porphyry copper deposit at Red Mountain, Arizona Photo by D. Briggs, October 2009 ... • Schumer, P. Barton, M., et al, 2019. Mineralogical Profile of Supergene Sulfide Ore in the Wester Copper Area, Morenci Mine, Arizona. The ...

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Engineering Consequences of Supergene Processes in Porphyry Copper …

Supergene sulfide enrichment in porphyry copper systems of the cordillera results in a modified but distinct mineralogy that is the product of redox reactions, fluid flow, vegetation, and bacterial activity. The supergene effects produce a vertically zoned mineralogical profile that is superimposed on a laterally zoned hypogene profile.

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The Ray Mine Porphyry Copper Deposit, Arizona

A case study, NASA funded, of the Ray porphyry Copper Mine, Arizona. This project focused on the use of reflectance spectroscopy using portable field spectrometers, satellite and airborne remote ...

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Microbiological Leaching of Porphyry Copper Type …

The metallic and silicate phases of a saussuritized quartz diorite were examined after 21 …

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In situ leaching of copper: Challenges and future prospects

In situ leaching offers a potentially attractive way to extract copper from the subsurface without costly fragmentation and processing. Applicability of in situ leaching is limited to deposits where sufficient permeability exists and where the copper and gangue mineralogy is amenable to leaching. A key challenge from past projects is establishing …

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Pleistocene recycling of copper at a porphyry system, …

We present Cu isotope data of hypogene and supergene minerals from the Late Paleocene Spence Cu-Mo porphyry in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. Chalcopyrite displays a restricted range of δ65Cu values within the values reported for primary porphyry Cu sulfides (+ 0.28‰ to + 0.34‰, n = 6). Supergene chalcocite …

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The evolution of supergene enrichment in the Morenci porphyry copper …

Supergene enrichment in the Morenci porphyry copper deposit was formed as a result of the coupled processes of erosion and chemical weathering that accompanied five stages of landscape evolution in the Cenozoic Era.

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INTRODUCTION. Applied mineralogy is pivotal in exploring and processing porphyry copper deposits. It aids in characterizing host rocks, identifying minerals, assessing quantities, and understanding …

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The Largest Copper Porphyry Resources

Geology matters…. Although copper has been mined from a variety of mineral deposits, porphyry copper deposits are the most important source for copper, contributing more than 60% of the annual …

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Dissolution kinetics and solubilities of copper sulfides in …

2. Materials and methods2.1. Mineral samples. Dissolution kinetic experiments were performed either using sulfide concentrates or tailings samples. The tailings samples were taken from different depths (1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.95, 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, and 9.0 m) of an oxidation profile of the Piuquenes tailings impoundment, La Andina porphyry …

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Gold in porphyry copper deposits: Its abundance and fate

Gold-only porphyry (Au porphyry) deposits contrast with the more classical porphyry Cu-Au-Mo deposits by their absence of mineable Cu (<0Á15 wt %) and Mo. Average Au grades of these deposits ...

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Exploration Applications of Copper Isotopes in the …

Copper isotope compositions of secondary phases from the supergene profile of the Bayugo porphyry copper-gold deposit (Philippines) show significant isotopic fractionation relative to hypogene sulfide phases and reveal systematic patterns of isotopic enrichment in the leached cap iron oxides and supergene copper sulfides. ... leaching, …

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Hypogene enrichment in Miduk porphyry copper ore …

Hypogene enrichment in Miduk porphyry copper ore deposit, Iran Sci Rep. 2022 Nov 9;12(1) :19133. doi ... alternatively hypogene leaching and enrichment. In order to obtain alteration-mineralization-geochemical pattern both horizontally and vertically, all macroscopic data extracted from relogging of 6800 m' drill core along an east-west …

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kinetics and solubility in the leach solution. The degree to which the ore and gangue minerals are soluble in the leach solution and the rates at which they dissolve determine copper leach kinetics and acid consumption. Of the common rock-forming minerals, only quartz, rutile, and zircon are insoluble in leach solutions.

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Selenium Distribution in the Gossan of a Porphyry Copper …

Selenium Distribution in the Gossan of a Porphyry Copper Deposit, Red Chris Mine, British Columbia, Canada ... Laboratory weathering and leaching tests indicated that selenium is released from source sulfides by oxidation and retained in a variety of secondary mineral forms. ... We propose that the weathering profile of the …

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Hypogene enrichment in Miduk porphyry copper ore …

Porphyry copper deposits (PCDs) are known as low grade-high volume copper resources that supply about 75% world copper 1 in the mining industry. The deposits typically formed by magmatic ...

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