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making a mirror grinding machine

Amateur Telpe Making Main Page

There are a lot of misconceptions about making a mirror - read this even if you don't plan to make a mirror, but just want to know how it is done - with your bare hands and a few simple tools, you can grind and figure a fine mirror with a surface accurate to a few millionths of an inch! Telpe Formulas and Design Comparator

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Grinding Machine for Large Telpe Mirrors

mirror machine examples with moving graphics, machine figuring action mirror o matic images Jeff Baldwin's machine Details polishing my 20.25x3/4 inch [51x19mm] f2.9 mirror. Links to videos (each a few seconds long) of the polishing machine in action: video 1; video 2. Initial pad polishing on machine Bearings with aluminum tube spacer detail

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Joy of Mirror Making: Fine Grinding

The goals of fine grinding are to prepare the curved mirror face so that it is ready for polishing and figuring and make any adjustments of the focal length. Previously in rough grinding we deepened the center of the …

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Types of mirror grinding machines

Types of mirror grinding machines - posted in ATM, Optics and DIY Forum: Hi to all, I am planning to make a mirror grinding and polishing machine but i have limited knowledge about these machines. Because of this i have some questions to someone who has some experience with those machines; - Some machines have fixed …

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Before starting machine grinding and polishing, one should at least read several books on mirror making. Most of these books will be about hand work, but knowledge of calculating and measuring a sagitta, pouring pitch laps, building tile tools, and most importantly reading and interpreting the Ronchi and Foucault tests are extremely important.

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Telpe Making Links

Astronomy, telpe making,mirror grinding and testing Large Thin Mirror Making by Mel Bartels Grinding Machines Mirror-o-matic Tom Waineo's Desktop Grinding/Polishing Machine Ken Lilja's Grinding Machine Grinding Machine Figuring Figuring a Paraboidal mirror by thermal predistortion Optical Testing The Basics of Telpe Testing Test …

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mirror grinding machines.

Thanks for the video Jim. I had no idea that these machines ran at those speeds. When I built my machine, I didn't have a computer or any books on building grinding machines so I built one that mimics the stroke a person would do.

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Grinding Machine: Parts, Types, Operations, & More [PDF]

Disadvantages of Grinding Machine. Particularly if they are automated or computerized, grinding machines can be pricey. In some environments, the noise that grinding machines can make can be an issue. Grinding machines can generate a lot of dust and debris. If it is not properly controlled, it can harm the operator's health.

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Building a fixed post mirror grinding machine

I've decided to build my own fixed-post glass grinding and polishing machine. Gordon Waite is probably one of the better mirror makers using this machine …

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Mike Lockwood Telpe Making Mirror Making

Small grinding machine, Large grinding machine Optical Articles, Tables, etc. Figuring with a full-size lap Oblate spheres and how to fix them A Tale of Four Flats Testing a 6" x 0.8" quartz blank Foucault Testing Hall of Shame/Fame Cassegrain design equations Mirrors I have made (quite out of date) TABLE of dimensional conversions

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I have a Mirror-o-maticmirror making machine that I swapped with MikeMS for a Newtonian telpe that was no use to me. With this I have so far attacked a 6" mirror blank and taken it to the polishing stage. ... rouge and pitch to manufacture a mirror. The grinding machine had been built to the design of the mirror-o-matic design of Dennis ...

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Grind and Polish a Dobsonian/Newtonian …

You'll want to first determine the shape of your mirror and the focal length that it will eventually have. When designing a telpe of this style, there is a very, very handy tool called Newt for the Web.You can put in your …

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Making a Mirror grinding & Polishing machine

Page 3 of 5 - Making a Mirror grinding & Polishing machine - posted in ATM, Optics and DIY Forum: You might want to try a little belt dressing for automotive belts, that can quiet belt noise if that could be causing some extra noise. Especially at higher speeds. nice looking table.

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Making a homemade mirror grinding machine

Making a homemade mirror grinding machine - posted in ATM, Optics and DIY Forum: I want to make a motorized mirror grinder, any good info on this, i have a couple geared motors, low speed high torque.

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Electric potter wheel as a mirror grinding machine

Professional mirror polishing machines are quite expensive and heavy. My goal is to make a simple, mostly wooden machine suitable for diamond mirror blank grinding, and polishing, preferably with 24VDC electric drive to minimize electrical safety issues. Mo. Seems a very expensive way to go. I would think a mirror o matic would be …

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Fixed Post Grinder/Polisher Build

The fixed post method will do everything needed to grind and polish a mirror from start to finish in a relatively short amount of time. Once I generate the curve on a …

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Mirror grinding machine-runout

Page 1 of 2 - Mirror grinding machine-runout - posted in ATM, Optics and DIY Forum: I am in the process of making a fixed post mirror grinding machine, big enough for a 20 inch mirror. I have now got the motor, pulleys, two shafts and turntable all together and working. The turntable rotates at around 25 rpm,which I think should be …

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The mirror machine came to me as a result of astronomical horse-trading, swapping a large GEM mount and a 8" Newtonian OTA for the machine as it was and a start kit consisting of two 6" blanks and the grit, rouge and pitch to manufacture a mirror. The grinding machine had been built to the design of the mirror-o-matic design of Dennis …

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How I built an edge grinder for telpe mirror blanks.

A course diamond grinding drum is installed on the grinder. It will be used to take off the rough edges, and make blanks truly round. Then a switch to a finer grinding drum will clean up the edge. The edge grinder is done! Here I am doing a dry run to make sure everything works. A 13.5 diameter wood disk has been installed on the grinder.

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Joy of Mirror Making: Rough Grinding

Rough Grinding. The first milestone is putting a curve into the mirror face. The curve's depth dictates the mirror's focal length. The curve should be spherical. Creating the curve can be done by several methods: The curve is ground into the mirror face using a grinding tool. The curve is pre-generated for you.

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Making a Mirror grinding & Polishing machine

Page 4 of 5 - Making a Mirror grinding & Polishing machine - posted in ATM, Optics and DIY Forum: put the mirror against your laptop, look thru the sunglasses, spin the sunglasses, it should darken the mirror. what do you see when the mirror goes dark? very simple very easy test. + helps to be in a darkened room, and the screen …

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Mirror-o-Matic and fixed position tool grinding

Mirror-o-Matic and fixed position tool grinding - posted in ATM, Optics and DIY Forum: I plan on using a Mirror-o-Matic type grinding machine soon. The fixed position technique Mark Cowan uses is one I’m very interested in. Mark has spoken about this to me and on this forum, as recently as today in the thread “Grinding my …

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Amateur Telpe Making Main Page

There are a lot of misconceptions about making a mirror - read this even if you don't plan to make a mirror, but just want to know how it is done - with your bare hands and a few simple tools, you can grind and figure a fine …

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Fixed post mirror grinder advice

Hi AllWe've been having some idle discussions about grinding mirrors here. In particular, we've been discussing building a fixed post mirror grinding turntable for cutting mirrors up to about a 24inch diameter to spherical. ... I hope this grinding machine goes better than tonight's scoping did. Link to comment Share on other sites. More ...

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Fixed post mirror grinder advice

In particular, we've been discussing building a fixed post mirror grinding turntable for cutting mirrors up to about a 24inch diameter to spherical. Its only a pipe dream at the moment, but has anyone had …

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Explore how telpe mirrors are made

Making a telpe mirror. To start, a new mirror blank is "sanded" down to create a precise parabolic curve in a process called grinding. To do that, the blank is paired with a device called ...

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Grinding Machine for Large Telpe Mirrors

Grinding machine for mirrors up to 42 inches [1.1m] in diameter. Can be configured for spin or stroke work. ... My first grinding machine, a Draper - Hindle design, from 1983. I ground (3) 20 inchers, a 24 inch, a 25 inch and a 30 inch with this machine.

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Mirror Grinding

Page 1 of 3 - Mirror Grinding - Take A Class Or DIY? - posted in ATM, Optics and DIY Forum: Ive been interested in grinding/polishing my own Newt mirror for a long time but dont know how to get started. As a beginner, would you recommend attending a workshop or class or is it possible to make a good mirror using other learning …

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Making a Mirror grinding & Polishing machine

I am building a mirror grinding machine now also but will use a DC drive and PM motor that I have had lying around for 20 years. I also bought a 1/3" HP DC motor and cheap DC drive ($55) and an EBAY gearbox to run the eccentric. I'll have a 1 HP DC drive and 20:1 gearbox for the turntable and the smaller drive and 20:1 gearbox for the …

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tut44 Making A Mirror Grinding Tool

Good grinding technique will produce a spherical shape, therefore the only important property needing measurement is the depth of the concave surface at the center of the …

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